motor control

During a discussion with a colleague, I came to know that for motors with antifriction bearings, you only need one accelerometer to measure the vibrations, whereas for motors with sleeve bearings two accelerometers are needed (one for measurement in X direction and other for measurement in Y direction).

ALL bearings are "anti-friction", otherwise they would not be bearings.

There are basically two types of bearing: non-contact (e.g. magnetic) and contact. The contact typ ...

A very common problem affecting submersible motors is over-temperature. Causes for over-temperature include pumping hot water, overloading of the motor by the pump, loss of cooling flow past the motor, ochre or scale buildup and frequent motor starts and stops.

Submersible motors somehow must cool themselves. This is accomplished almost universally by transferring the motor's internally generated heat to the water that is flowing past the motor and into the pump. Most standard wate ...

Q: I heard that if we have a 3 phase induction motor constantly operating under 40% of rated power, we can reduce its losses using a Wye connection. But I can't find any reference of recommendation about that. So is it a practical solution to maintain energy efficiency? And is there any practical intelligent Wye-Delta switch?

The voltage across each winding drops by sqrt(3). So the torque-speed curve is reduced (by a factor of 3). The equilibrium speed is only slightly changed, but ...

Question: I have a motor of 100HP with FLC of 123A. It's load is Centrifugal Fan. We are currently using a Star Delta Starter. It's current in star mode various from 276A to 220A for 35secs. Is it safe? While changeover in delta it takes a peak of 376A and then comes normal 60A phase current. In this operation we are using a microprocessor based relay which is bypassed initially for 25 seconds. I want to know how safe is this operation and life of motor in long run. Or should ...