Renewable Energy

The wind speed should be mainly from 5 to 20 m/sec because this range permits the wind turbine to operation. Outside this interval, the wind turbine does not operate. It is also necessary to have historical data relevant to the wind speed for 20 years back. These data are available in certain meteorological web site or you can find measures of a site close to the airport and doing approximations to have suitable values corresponding to the site where it is proposed to install the wind farm. < ...

In my opinion there are three different kind of possible failures for a solar inverter:

1) Infant mortality due to poor assembly work or components intrinsic defects. In this case the solar inverter lasts for few hours or days before to fail

2) Wear out of components like fans, electrolytic capacitors which lead to a "natural death"

3) Unexpected real world conditions (bad grid voltage quality, bad installation, interaction with other devices on the same gr ...

There are several reasons you see inverters in such heavy use in renewable energy. You have the problem of converting from one voltage level at the source, to a substantially different voltage. And the source voltage can vary substantially. To do this, you must employ some type of alternating-or-pulsed input to a conversion system. And, that system must include an inductive device. I.e., a coil or transformer. A dc up-conversion would be almost impossible otherwise, and a dc down-conversion w ...

Energy storage will be playing an important role for the next years to come. Lots of companies are involve in the research and development of new type of battery cell designs to be used in new compensation systems technologies, like statcoms, while other relay in the use of flywheels in order to face the challenges that the new generation will be demanding.
Wind Power
The world is moving toward the ...

It basically depends on weather and intensity of radiations, the peak efficiency of a solar panel determine by the surface area of the panel by multiplying the length with width and the surface area is aperture area of the solar panel, therefore the measurement does include the frame. Then find the name plate rating of the panel from the datasheet, the name plate rating at STC (Standard Test Conditions).

This is the standard used to determine how many watts of power are produced i ...

While the applied cost of Solar PV has been steadily dropping thanks at least in part to the Investment Tax Credit (ITC), it remains to be proven if its intended effect will be realized. Will the ITC have stimulated enough commerce to create market demand (supported by sufficient research, development, manufacturing, marketing, distribution, contractor understanding, competition, and end-user desire) to sustain growth beyond 2016? I certainly hope so.

But, even if it has - it will ...